Friday, January 08, 2010

Cambodia Part 5 - Let's Plant! (23/12)

So it was time to get down to work after the previous day's relaxation at the beach. Let's plant some corn! It was fun, something new that I'd never done before and would hardly get a chance to do. The weather was scorching hot but I wouldn't say that we had a hard time 'cos we planted for an hour plus in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon before they called us to stop. Which I personally felt was a wise decision as upon leaving the fields, we saw many zig-zagged lines of planted corn when they were supposed to be straight lines. So that was a good move before we ruined their fields any further hahaha. But of course, let's hope that the corn does grow! :D

Hard at work!

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart - these, O God, You will not despise."
Psalm 51: 17

A verse that came up during the evening sermon, on the Heart of Worship.

Yasmin and I were just talking about our PBL days, all the sleepless nights, then meeting up early in the morning at the SSC looking and feeling cranky, our nonsense put together, how we suffered together. It all seems so easy now, when back then PBL was sheer murder. And how fast, that the new semester is commencing in three days. The timetable's out and I'd wanted to complain but I came to realise, that as long as you're in the secondary track, your timetable's probably sad. So let's be happy sad people hahaha. I'm in the same class as Sarah for AED107 and AAE103 (Charlotte too!), and Calvin for both Math tutorials. It's not too bad I guess. I have to depend on God's strength, to step out of my comfort zone, once again.

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