Saturday, May 30, 2009

After having hung out with normal people for a couple of hours which allowed me to have my emotions stabilised and mind composed to think more sensibly and rationally, I've come to a conclusion. Not taking into account any external factor... How can I complain? How can I blame anyone? How can I? Press on. I've got to. His grace is sufficient, always is.

Val came over to my place this evening. And this is one mean friend I've got. My mum asked her, "Valerie, you came to stay over tonight?" And she replied, "No, I just came to scold Ruth." WHAT KIND OF A FRIEND IS THIS! Hahahahaha. Nahh, thank God for you killer. Really thank God that you came today, it was so timely. Thank you for caring so much, I truly appreciate it. :)

All this while I haven't had much time to think about it nor been in the mood to bother. But now that "no news is good news" no longer holds with the bad news that came, I'd be lying if I said I don't care. In fact, I'm starting to worry. But as so rightly said, why should we only give thanks when He showers us with blessings but not when He gives us trials and uncertainties? What's more, mine isn't even a life-and-death matter. Proverbs 3: 5, 6!

"Cos you need to have my intelligence", was my reply about a donkey's-years-ago matter we talked about. And guess what, I said that to one of VJ's top students! LOL!

I've decided not to pick up any nameless calls for the next few weeks. So if you've changed your number or are using your 5th phone line, toooooo baaaaaaad.

Should I perform with CCO this time? The idea of an Esplanade performance thrills me, but not that of spending National Day in Malaysia. And I have to give a reply really soon. How how how? :/

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