Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rare to be home on a sunday afternoon. Back from Campus Retreat and suffering from after-camp withdrawals. Well it's the usual feeling I get after camps. After a coupla days of whackiness and having people around you, it feels empty coming back to a silent house. Maybe it's just me and this time, it's only for one night.

The camp was fantastic, activities and all. The workshop was just so, wow. We were taught how to study the bible, was really detailed, to the point that it got too deep, for me that is. Been wondering how to study the bible and I was pretty blown away by all that dissecting. Which also made me realise how little I know, how much time and effort I have to put in. Thank God for the workshop and Brother Peter, I really learnt loads. The discussions, lessons, reminders, not to mention corrections. And thank God for the camp, for the labourers, the messages, the food, the games, the weather, every single activity, every single person and every single moment. Really love such camps, it's so... Warm. Haha. And someone needs to be nicer to her leg(s). :D

So after the retreat at Sembawang, it'll be a week's retreat at, uh, Lakeside Island. Z.z.z.

"A saint's life is in the hands of God like a bow and arrow in the hands of an archer. God is aiming at something the saint cannot see, but our Lord continues to stretch and strain, and every once in a while the saint says, 'I can't take any more.' Yet God pays no attention; He goes on stretching until His purpose is in sight, and then He lets the arrow fly. Entrust yourself to God's hands."

Press on, press on.

Thankful for the friends around, who never fail to listen and encourage. Thank God for you all, who have been tremendous blessings. :)

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