Wednesday, May 06, 2009

That was one BLAZING HOT performance on American Idol! But of course, I'm not here to comment on that.

DHSCO was awesome today with the choice piece. Right from the first shout, to the reverberation following the drum beats, to Daniel's solo, to the very last note, the entire performance just made my hair stand on end. Yup, Gold with Honours, cheered like anything when they announced cos after all, it's a very special debut. With that, DHSCO has made a clean sweep with 3 GWH awards - Senior High, Junior High, Guzheng!

I thought I wouldn't care. But I did. Seeing many of them in tears just reminded me of the same occassion two years back when we had the same feeling, when we were the ones in tears. It sure hurts and all that "you gave your best" talk doesn't work as good as it sounds. Cos the fact remains. And I guess the worst part is having to go to school the next day, indignance and all. But at least they have a concert, so the end isn't as abrupt. Take this as a platform to achieve much more during the concert. And really, the bond forged can never be bought with an Honours, as I came to learn. The award doesn't define the orchestra; the Victorian spirit does. Now for the concert!

Now that I've landed myself in this, I'm thinking, maybe I don't really want it anymore. Or maybe I'm just scared. Yes, I'm pretty scared. Lord, help me, teach me, guide me.

Be proud, be very very proud.

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