Friday, June 20, 2008

I think 50 people are gonna yell at me when they see this. But yeah. I went singing at Teo Heng with Cristal, Yuqian and Lam Lee on tuesday! Haha. Yes I know I'm supposed to be studying but I'm nocturnal, so I only study throughout the night hehe. Anyway, our singing session was really fun! And funny hahaha. They showed me this song by Jay Chou, I think it's Yi Fu Zhi Ming or something like that. There's this super high banshee-like falsetto when the rap comes in, and they asked me to try doing it. So I did, and I was addicted to doing that for the rest of the session HAHA. And they regretted showing me that song! Cos I was so obsessed with using my falsetto and I kept using it at random moments. I sang the whole Zhi Zu in my falsetto! Hahahahaha. Gosh but it's really fun imitating a banshee HAHA. Oh they kept saying I've got a "Ruth style" to my singing which is distinct, cos of my weird pronunciation of words. And they kept picking out the words that I pronounce weirdly. Heh I think my pronunciation's perfectly normal! Haha.

Rarh I've been spending a fair amount of time at Viwawa lately playing bridge. Some partners are just crazy. One person bidded 7 spades (I had quite a lot of spades) and I was so scared he'd call me. In the end he called some random 8-diamond card which thankfully wasn't me. And my partner and I won 11 sets! Hahaha. Ooh I showed Joanne the site, and we were playing 2 nights ago (that crazy girl was still having her A levels!) lol. Shows how super well-prepared she is, a state that I'll never be in hehe. Oh yeah and this amusing game was going on.

After Joanne revealed herself and that she could trump spades, her partner plays some random suit that's neither trump nor spades.
Joanne: Toot leh she, dunno how to play spades arh!
(My partner wins this round, plays a spade)
Me: There, MY partner just played a spade for you!
Some partners are just weird HAHA. But that game was really quite amusing and I was laughing non-stop haha!

Whee Joanne comes back from the UK today! Yuqian, Cristal, Lam Lee (hopefully) and I are going to the airport later! Roar that lucky girl finished her A levels yesterday! My goodness, that's even before we start our CT 2 heh. And she's entering university in september, when we're still doing our prelims! Haha, the difference between the UK and Singapore's education systems lol.

I'm off to a chalet tonight! No don't scold me, I'm not going there to play. It's this resort that my dad's company built for the Singapore Armed Forces people, so we're allowed to stay there for free. And that's why my dad called us to go. I didn't wanna go initially, but now I think it's quite cool. I've been there before, and the place is really huge. Who knows, I may be able to study fantastically well there. And I'd better study, cos I won't be back till sunday. Haha so please don't miss me too much, everyone! Hahaha.

Alright, I'm off to Viwawa now! LOL!

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