Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The past few days have been pretty good I would say. Although I still feel detached for a bit, well, in His time...

It's interesting, after working on our AED105 presentation and after today's consultation, to realise how much modern-day education has deviated from the time of Socrates and Confucius (ancient, yes). Taking a broad perspective, your character probably isn't as important as getting good grades. To quote an example, a child approached a teacher as she had been given extra marks for a test, and her dad reprimanded her for being foolish. Yeah, not everyone's like that, but the reality is that society measures people by grades, parents never stop pushing their children to excel academically, results always come first. Even if you don't agree with it, you'll somehow be brainwashed into striving so hard for I don't know what. It was an interesting consultation I guess. And through talking about personal emancipation, I got to know that Dr Choy's a Christian, haha.

I'm so dreading tomorrow. Long, long, long day with all 4 of my main tutorials placed on the same day, and my tutorials are undone. Rarhhhh.

I've been feeling a little claustrophobic lately. Not in the literal sense of course, just couldn't think of a better word to describe how I feel. Let's just say, there're loads I need to learn. Sometimes, people talk all the time and barely have 5 minutes to listen to what you want to say. But other times, you're the one talking all the time to other people, barely listening to what they have to say too. Hmmm. I think, maybe, I need a short break from people.

Anyway, we did some sort of a personality test based on the bird-type version of DISC for GESL just now, and I'm a dove. The whole list of characteristics is largely true. And the adjectives are pretty much accurate as well. Sensitive, unassertive, warm (maybe not), reliable (not really), soft-hearted, avoids risks (depends), people-oriented, friendly (not so much now), patient, unassuming, loyal, cooperative (most of but not all the time), kind, caring, emotional.

This part is cool. When communicating with a dove,
- Be relaxed and agreeable
- Be prepared to answer WHY questions
- Be predictable
- Agree clearly and often
- Don't push
- Don't rush
- Compliment him or her as a team player
- Be a good listener (to a significant extent)

So now you'll know how to communicate with me! Hahaha well, people'll be fine as long as they abide by the don'ts. I guess that's why I often don't meet deadlines, and become extremely uncooperative if someone rushes me. Okay, I know, that must change. Heh.

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