Saturday, September 05, 2009

Few nights back, after having done my quiet time, I lay in bed and the tears started flowing. Here is God's love so amazing, and there I was being distracted by one million other things during the week. My focus was way off, I was drifting further and further. Thank God for speaking to me through that verse, and thank God for the people He has placed in my life.

Thank God for the Critical Perspectives tutorial on wednesday. Our group didn't even get to rehearse once, and just went in to conduct the tutorial after allocating the parts on that day itself. It was a little scary, we totally didn't know how long each part should be, how long the whole presentation would be. Really thank God that it went rather smoothly, minus the facilitating part, and for Dr Choy interjecting lots of comments and questions in between, otherwise we'd have finished way before time. We used up the full 2 hours. So that's it, my 40% is sealed. Haha.

Yesterday's Math lessons weren't as draggy I guess. I finally understood something! Matrices, haha. And our Algebra tutor's just so amusing. He's so old, so cute, takes a whole hour to go through 2 parts of the tutorial (a typical tutorial has 6 to 8 questions and we're supposed to finish one tutorial a week), but even then, no one really understands what he's teaching. So we decided not to listen and have our private conversations. Ha. And I learnt something from English tutorial yesterday! Yay, how could you not love Phonetics. :D

Genius flew off about an hour ago. It's too bad we didn't get to meet up but it's okay, I'm so going to London one day! :D Anyway, called her up just now and she was so... Anti-climatic HAHA.

Me: Hey, bon voyage!
Genius: You should go for your lectures.

Lol. And... I'm gonna get into serious trouble soon. :/

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