Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank God for Blueprint and Vibe yesterday! That thought which really struck me, if our loved ones and friends were stuck in a building during a fire, would we not dash in to save them? Struggle, struggle, struggle. Keep praying and have faith. Thank God for the effective time of memory work on the bus. I did what I could, cos I get giddy reading on the bus. So thank God yay.

Vibe! Other than a "Bali explosion" (hilarious but extremely retarded and not to mention embarrassing lol), all was well and peaceful. Well I was there for only a short while, didn't do much, so my hand is working great. Or perhaps I'm just getting better at this. Hahaha sure. Indeed a privilege, for who am I?

Just some days ago, someone guessed that I'm 17 and was shocked when I revealed my real age. Yes, I'm feeling smug about that. Lol.

Super tired right now, I can't imagine how people can survive on 6 hours of sleep when here I am feeling sluggish and dead. That long walk in ECP didn't help either (long cos we were walking at snail pace), after it'd rained and with my holy holey shoes. I shall greet my pillow soon.

I wanna hit the pool again!

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