Friday, October 17, 2008

I don't know what came over me today, but I got into one of my random, emo moods again. Like, our JC life's really coming to an end, the A levels are in TWO weeks (faint) and after that we're all going our separate ways, I don't know if we're ever gonna meet again or have any class outings after that. Don't ask me why I'm thinking of such stuff when I'm supposed to be studying like never before, but... As I said, it's random haha. But really, as Valerie said... "Can you please mug now and emo after the A levels!" Totally true.

We got back our math mock papers today. I kinda just passed my paper 1 and I think I failed paper 2, not sure as I didn't convert it to percentage. I'm not too bothered by the score, more by my attitude. I've been having this delusion about my "natural proficiency" in math, that I can pass without studying for it. So not. And seems like I haven't woken up despite the numerous times I've been failing in the subject. I'm sorry, Mr Teo. He sounded rather disappointed just now, sigh. This brings me back to a post sometime last year. "Humility is estimating your worth under the might of God, being aware of your weaknesses, being conscious of others' strengths in comparison to yours." I'm sorry, Lord, for thinking too highly of myself at times. That said, I'm really happy for Chia Wen, doing so well! (Now you have no reason saying that you can't teach me LOL!) See, you can do it! :)

Haha, was talking to Vivian just now about some interesting and really hilarious stuff. "Why do you let those stupid kids play here and damage my stuff!" LOL!!!!! She told me about a badminton net in my grandfather's house and I was like, "What????" Anyway, please do not demolish the net, save it for me, after my A's! Hahaha.

I can't believe it's a mere 2 weeks to the big exam. And here I am, mulling over silly stuff, wasting my time online................ The worst thing is, I'm feeling so detached from God. Which makes me think back 2 years ago, when I was approached to join the youth group in my church, and I turned them down flatly. Yeah, back then I was still going to church to warm the seats, that's all. It's only after having met several wonderful friends that really changed my perspective. I can't say I'm a better person... I can only pray.

In times like this, times of darkness, times of weakness, all the more I have to place my trust in Him, that He will carry me on the tight rope.

I just want to glorify you, in all that I do.

With that, it's time to face up to reality. The beautiful thing is, I'm not fighting this battle alone. :)

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