Wednesday, July 09, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIJIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't think you'll see this, but yeah, thanks for being such an awesome friend! Whee love you loads! :D

This is part of the "card" (a storybook of GP essays, according to Amelia and Huijin) I made for her. Don't you think it's nice? I think it is HAHA.

My biggest accomplishment of the past few days, I finally went to fish for all my long-lost notes! And I'm amazed at how many notes I actually have lol. It's so cool, finding all the notes dating way back to the beginning of last year. And I filed them! So now I have four fat files of notes. I'm feeling proud of myself, praise me! Hahahahaha. Now, I really HAVE to start studying. There're only 50 plus, 60 days left to the prelims and I've got minimal time to cover 2 whole years' work. Sigh!

Haha yesterday's GP lesson was really hilarious. It was Ms Wong's birthday, and Mark and Calvin were supposed to walk in to class late and surprise her with a cake. But happened that she was walking around outside the classroom and she spotted them downstairs with the cake LOL! Anyway, she asked us to move down to the math resource room for our lesson and we had this new plan. So we entered the math resource room...

Class: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to AMELIA!!!!! Happy birthday to you
A very stunned Ms Wong (to Mei Ching or whoever): Isn't Amelia's birthday on the 6th? (No, it was 3 months ago actually lol)
Someone: Okay lah, now real one.
Class: *Sings for Ms Wong*

HAHA! Ms Wong's face was really funny! Yeah, happy belated birthday, Ms Wong! :) :)

Lol I was supposed to take part in the inter-house soccer yesterday, but I decided that I'm really afraid of soccer so I shouldn't embarrass the house. I think I've taken part in enough inter-house games already! Credit goes to Hannah LOL! Yeah, Valerie praised me for being a good girl and going home wahahax.

Went for a business and accountancy talk by NTU today. It was alright, but I don't think I'll wanna go to NTU. For one, it's at freaking boon lay and for another, I don't know, but I get some cocky air from there haha. Audrey says we can meet up next time and travel to NUS together. Since we only live one lane apart and NUS is so far, our parents aren't gonna fetch us. Lol.

Today's a happy and demoralising day, rolled into one. The demoralising parts. I got U for bio and chem! Like goodness, at this juncture and I'm still getting U's, more than one at that. I was saying that (in mahjong terms) I might pong U, but fortunately I didn't. Still, 2 U's is equally bad. Ha I looked at my chem paper and beside the score, Mr Lim wrote, "Sure fail!" and I was like, whatever, that's so Mr Lim. And OMG Jarren said that he's a christian! I almost fainted when I heard that. Him? A christian? My toes will just laugh. But apparently, it's true. Wow.

Got back our econs today too. I kept thinking that I'd fail and I was very scared when we were getting back our papers. I saw my paper and Amelia took it for me. I wanted to quickly take it from her and cover it up but I was wondering why was she holding on to it and showing it to Huijin. They said my case study mark was quite high, so I looked, 17/30. Okay, that's quite lucky, but I think I'll screw up my essays. *Flips to the first essay*, 17/25 (STUNNED) *flips to the second essay*, 7/25 (LOL). Haha I was very, very, very relieved that I passed! Audrey said that I could still pass despite putting in quite little effort (no, I think it was quite alot!), so I can do well if I'm more hardworking. Haha she said that cos I called her up 2 days before the exam to ask for help, cos my inflation, BOP and some other notes were blank. But I thought I did put in quite alot of effort into econs. Like I really sat there and read my notes carefully and properly! Haha. And of course, thank God!! :) And thanks Audrey for saving my life! Haha.

Went to swensens after school today with Amelia and Huijin. Being the birthday girl, Huijin got a free ice cream! Haha. We were doing stupid stuff there, taking lots of silly pictures. Haha Amelia, I want the photos!!!! Oh we met Ms Wong at parkway! She was there to celebrate her birthday with her class haha.

Thank you Hannah for the really encouraging card! I was really touched when I read it. Yeah, let's work hard together and not let people like LCC look down on us! (Actually, I don't really care what he thinks haha). And yes, God is always there to help us! And and Hannah, I didn't steal your ruler okay! LOL!!!!!

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