Friday, July 27, 2007

i was feeling really emo 2 days ago. was really infuriated by some co stuff. at night, i thought about some other stuff. like all of a sudden, lots of things came to mind. the kindness i received from so many people all the while.. and i just felt so touched that i cried. what's more, my cousin delivered a slice of cake to me. family is just so warm. i'll never ever feel so sheltered and loved anywhere else. heh. alright, that was a random thought. but ya, I LOVE MY FAMILY! =D

these 2 days at school were really fun! i've no idea why too. felt that i've been enjoying myself lately HAHA. we did aerobics for PE yesterday. it was sooooo funny. seeing everyone looking so comical. oops. haha.

today was declared a half day! due to college (prisoner) day tmr. but there were no cheers as everyone already knew there's gonna be a half day. haha went to kbox with sharon, joo, mingyao and amelia. but before that we went to the guitar room to slack, waiting for 1 plus to come so that we could catch the 2pm slot. we churned out beautiful music! kinda fun fiddling with the tambourine and the other percussion-like instrument which i dunno what it's called. haha. kbox was fun fun FUN! haven't been there in AGES. sang from 2 to 7pm. oh man.. i feeeeeeel good~ lol. i think we all (yes me included LOL) have such nice voices! LOOOOL!!!!! haha so funny. we were so reluctant to go when the time was up. the kbox guy had to keep coming in to chase us out. and when he disappeared, we hurriedly ran in again. but he appeared again after a while and we finally left. HAHA. ahh i wanna go again!!!!!!!!!!!

roar. i have yet to come to a decision on which subject to drop. or whether to drop at all. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

locking up college day tmr. i'm sure it's gonna be a FUN and EXCITING experience! being cooped up in the LT like chickens is just so pleasurable, dun you envy us! lol.

"Humility is estimating your worth under the might of God, being aware ofyour weaknesses, not being conscious of others' strengths in comparison to yours."

ruth, step up but be humble! :D

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