Saturday, November 20, 2010

So the number of Christmas Musical practices has suddenly increased fivefold. I'm definitely for it, I believe we need it. But there I was, looking at the schedule for our practices, with a separate to-do list running in my mind simultaneously. Well, it's just that time of the year when everything piles up.

Music recording, 2 assignment deadlines, 1 major test, practices
Study break, BASC Literacy Camp, practices
Exams, practices, probably the Uth camp preparations
Exams, Uth camp, practices
Rehearsals... And CHRISTMAS!!!!!

But I'm so thankful for the privilege to serve in the various areas. I'm excited at how the Literacy Camp will turn out under my leadership (you know how I'm no born leader, it just makes me depend on Him all the more to do this). I'm excited for the souls that are gonna come in during the Uth camp. I'm even more excited for the upcoming Christmas musical. Thank God for the opportunity to help a friend by doing the recording. I ain't complaining doing all this... But time is so tight, it scares me. I have yet to start on my slides, I know that they should be up soon, but I know that the next week is just impossible for me to do anything with them. Well, I guess I'll be burning some midnight oil real soon...

Oh, and I'm excited for the exams to start cos I can't wait for them to end.

Sometimes, certain doors don't open. Then you wonder if you should keep knocking. Is it worth standing out there, trying all day to get the owner to open the door?

Even if it isn't... We know that there'd be the One who'll never stop loving. And wants us to do the same.

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