Wednesday, October 21, 2009

And I keep reminding myself, over and over again. But reminders don't work until they've really sunk in. Apparently it hasn't. Because I'm overwhelmed with my own questions, instead of taking time to pause and listen to the answer. Because I'm only looking at what I cannot do, instead of what He can do. The reminders go on, I'm ostensibly convinced, but I continue questioning. And questioning, and questioning...

So, I ran out of patience. I didn't do anything, didn't say anything, but I felt everything hitting the boiling point. I think, it was exasperation verging on desperation. Currently, I'm confused. And once again, the questions come in. This time, I'm looking back.

I don't even know what I'm talking about now. All I do know, is that I'm super tired! Well more of physically this time. I haven't been waking up before sunrise on Wednesdays for 2 months (yeah you may infer for yourself what that means) and it was no easy battle between school and sleep, with the former, very thankfully, reigning this time. (Who can I blame but myself for rushing all my stuff last night.) I was soooooo sleepy I thought it possible for me to have been sleep-walking for a moment until I nearly fell into the drain beside me. Hahaha but that's not the point. The point is... School is a stressed-up land right now! I was just looking at my groupmates, looking around me, looking and listening... I decided, that having had 4 hours of sleep last night was good. Oh, to have someone prod me with a sense of urgency will be great.

Now isn't the time to think. Now isn't the time to watch. Now isn't the time to fear. Now isn't the time to cry. Now is the time, to depend and to DO.

People are never meant to fill an empty heart. He is.

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