Thursday, April 28, 2011

Not My Cup of Tea

If I were to rank my talents, acting would be near, if not at the bottom. I can't act for nuts. And you wonder how I ended up on stage a couple days ago for the Easter drama. Well, I did not mean for that to happen. But let's just say that it was a God-given opportunity, one I'm incredibly thankful for.

It was a humbling, but enriching experience. On one hand, I struggled to get myself into the role, struggled to express myself, struggled to let loose, struggled with the fear of going on stage. I would play the scenario of my legs crumbling or my heart jumping out of my mouth right before I went on stage in my mind, and I would feel all afraid. Sounds silly, but those were the thoughts that ran through my mind. I was afraid. Yet on the other hand, I was pumped. I knew I couldn't do it in my own strength. And that would be the perfect opportunity to fully depend on and glorify Him at the end.

I'm just overwhelmed by how He's worked through me. It was no perfect performance I put up that day, but I know that I couldn't have done it without Him. That was truly His strength manifest in my weakness. It's simply amazing. I remember how my heart was beating so quickly last Christmas before I went on stage to narrate. But this time, He took away my nerves and I managed to remain calm all the way till I made my appearance. Thank God for His peace, and for helping me remember my lines!

I can't help but think about this constantly - there're so many people out there who're tons better than me, so many people He could've used, but He used such a weak vessel in me. I'm thrilled, I'm blown away, I'm nothing but privileged.

Thank God for His hand upon the entire drama too. We saw how everything went wrong during the rehearsal the night before and on the actual day itself but when it came to the actual shows, everything clicked. The slides, video and audio clips, lines, everything. WE couldn't have done it without Him.

Acting... Still isn't my cup of tea. And so are many other things. But it's really in such situations that we truly learn to depend on and surrender our weaknesses to Him. It's scary, nonetheless exciting. At the end of it all, I can only look back, stand amazed, and proclaim, "To God be the glory!"

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