Monday, May 03, 2010

It has been the fastest 4 months that could ever pass. It seemed like just yesterday that I stepped into school, filled with uncertainty as to what the new semester would bring. And before I knew it, my first year has come to a close. Wow, wow! Talk about time flying... Hee.

This semester, it has been great. I didn't know what to expect at the beginning, but I guess we were soon thrown into the frenzy of academia before we even took ten breaths of the air around us. Haha alright maybe it wasn't all too bad at the beginning when time was still slow and we could afford to play our breaks away. Those were the times that SCARCZ could still meet up relatively often. Speaking of which, thank God for this absolutely wonderful group of friends. It's been awesome getting to know you folks better over the semester, been great hanging out with you all too! And thank God for allowing me to get to know other people so much better as well. Including my English-Math buddies whom I never thought existed last semester hahaha. I honestly thought that there were only 3 people who took this combi! Haha.

So after the initial honeymoon period, the semester got crazier, and crazier, and crazier. Time never felt so tight, and I'd never felt that stressed. Those times when it was deadline after deadline and knowing my character, I was just rushing, rushing and rushing. Until my body couldn't take it anymore and it protested. That was such a wrong breakdown time, the battle wasn't even half over. But thank God for His grace that sustained me, and for the people around me!

It wasn't easy. So often I struggled, especially since I skipped lessons like nobody's business last semester and just attending lessons was kind of a tall order. But I tried, and by God's grace, I kinda succeeded! (Yeah, there was a number of times I overslept and missed my lessons, and that occurred more frequently during the second term heehee.) I really thank God for His showers of blessings over the semester, be it friends, grades... Thank God for His grace and strength, I'd never have survived the sem without Him. Especially towards the end when it got real tough and so many times I wanted to just give up, thank God for the constant encouragement from the people around me. Calvin and his wise words (no wonder he's our Uncle Calvin hahaha hey that's a compliment), Charlotte and Amantha my study companions who encouraged me so much too, Sarah and her constant nagging for me to study and do my work hahaha, and Zenn for always being sooooo sweet and entertaining! Not to mention my beloved brothers and sisters-in-Christ who've been encouraging me and keeping me in prayer. Awww. Thank God for all of you! :)

The semester ended in a nightmare, but I really couldn't ask for more. It's all in His hands... Thank God for having seen me through the 4 months. Thank God for the highs, the lows, every single lesson He has taught me, every single person I've got to know. Thank God for the whole of year one!

And thank God for everyone's prayers over the days I was sick. The last time my fever hit 40 was... 10 years ago? Haha. Wasn't a good few days but I guess I've somehow repaid my sleep debt. Thank God for the rest. Still feeling spineless, but I'll be out of my house soon!

Thank You.

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