Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The sports hall in NIE's really elusive. You can kind of see it from the bus-stop but you just can't get to it. That's what Angela and I were trying to do for a whole 15 minutes this morning. And after we thought that we'd found the entrance, the security guard said that we had to go back where we came from cos no bags were allowed beyond that point. So we had to go all the way up to the first storey, then down to B2 by another staircase. We were totally walking in circles, lol. Thank God we weren't late!

After the paper, Sarah called and said that Amantha was looking for me cos she'd got something to tell me and she asked me to go look for them. I thought it'd be something important, but... Here's what she said.

"Ruth! I haven't copied the dictionary and I'm not done with History and I haven't revised bIOgraphy! Can you help me copy the dictionary?????"

LOL!!!!!!! I totally couldn't stop laughing. At the fact that they called me so that I could hear their intentional "compilation". BUT IT MADE MY DAY hahaha. And I hope I won't burst out laughing in the middle of the Language paper.

Speaking of which, my learning log's... 2 pages filled. And no one's allowed to react to that. In front of me, that is. :D

Oh, and over-confidence is never a good thing. Perhaps it's better to realise that early.

Off to sleeeeeeeeep.

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